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Activity List

  • e6zion earned the Final Anniversary badge.
    You have reached your final form. OK, not really, but you are still awesome in my book!
    November 29
  • Inertiaman earned the Paging Mr. F badge.
    Mentioning someone in a post is a great way to direct comments.
    November 27
  • JSMREM joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    November 26
  • ugly_woofer earned the Fifth Anniversary badge.
    Five years ago, you created your account. Thanks for sticking around!
    November 25
  • jhaider earned the Paging Mr. F badge.
    Mentioning someone in a post is a great way to direct comments.
    November 21
  • sootboots earned the Second Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.
    November 20
  • sootboots earned the First Anniversary badge.
    Has it been a year already?
    November 20
  • sootboots earned a promotion to Level 1.
    You are at the lowest level. Build up your points to unlock new features!
    November 20
  • DanW earned the 10 Posts badge.
    This is how you get to places. Keep up your posting.
    November 20
  • rstillin earned the Fourth Anniversary badge.
    You might have graduated from college considering how long you have been here.
    November 20
  • Quasey1 joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    November 18
  • Tonto292 joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    November 17
  • Ron_E earned the 250 Insightfuls badge.
    We definitely want you to keep doing what you are doing.
    November 16
  • tommytunes50 earned the 5 Insightfuls badge.
    You have received 5 insightfuls. Not a bad start!
    November 16
  • Jmb94 and Winston joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    November 14
  • tktran earned a promotion to Level 5.
    Holy batman, you are awesome. Have some more reactions!
    November 14
  • Wolf earned the 1 Promote badge.
    You have received your first promote. This is a great start!
    November 14
  • jhaider earned the Third Anniversary badge.
    That's three years you have been here!
    November 8
  • Tom_S earned the 250 LOLs badge.
    We definitely want you to keep doing what you are doing.
    November 8
  • blue934 earned the Final Anniversary badge.
    You have reached your final form. OK, not really, but you are still awesome in my book!
    November 7
  • TrojanK joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    November 6
  • traw earned the 100 Posts badge.
    Thanks for driving discussions!
    November 3
  • thekorvers joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    November 2
  • Mikeg earned the Final Anniversary badge.
    You have reached your final form. OK, not really, but you are still awesome in my book!
    October 25
  • LifeOfBrian earned the 5 Awesomes badge.
    You have received 5 awesomes. Not a bad start!
    October 25
  • LifeOfBrian earned the Final Anniversary badge.
    You have reached your final form. OK, not really, but you are still awesome in my book!
    October 24
  • Impious earned the 5 Awesomes badge.
    You have received 5 awesomes. Not a bad start!
    October 24
  • mchadjin joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    October 22
  • tajanes earned the 100 Insightfuls badge.
    Your posts are what good forums are made of!
    October 19
  • ActionBasturd earned the First Post badge.
    You are in there and getting involved. Have some free points!
    October 17