Hey guys, Mark and crew along with the dudes from CSS will jointly hold the 2019 Meniscus/CSS DIY in Grand Rapids.
The usual format - Friday evening, casual event at Meniscus HQ, Pizza and rooftop speaker toss.
Saturday, the formal event (note new hotel) with 10-min presenter time slots.
Please contact Mark @ Meniscus with questions:
[email protected]616-953-8471
Detailed info below:
September 20, 2019 @ 5:00 pm – 11:45 pm
Meniscus Audio
1642 Broadway Ave NW
Grand Rapids
MI 49504
InDIYana Event Website
Incidentally I had also thought of the idea of doing a peerless build like that, something like SLS woofer (CSX would be even better!)/NE149 mid/DA25tx for the generation-spanning drivers.
I'm also trying t build in some more functionality so it does more than just switch crossovers. I think this would be an amazing tool for testing different circuits live without having to build 2 crossovers. For instance: switching the L-pad on a tweeter to dial in the last 1/2db of tweeter voicing. Think your capacitor choice is to big, A/B just the capacitor in circuit so that you can hear the subtle differences that the modeling alone might not show. These are things that I know alot of people have desired to test and I hope to help make it happen.
I really appreciate Meniscus and CSS for helping me make that idea a reality. Both parties saw how cool the idea was and help breath some life into an idea that may have never left my head if it weren't for them. Mattsk8 also deserves credit for the original idea of having multiple crossover methods shown live. Whoever else helped inspire that I thank you as well.
This is a great community and I consider many of you friends outside of the forums and truly look forward to seeing you all there.
kenrhodes said:
Cool. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.