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  • Time to get ill?

  • edited July 11

    Are you auditioning some new speakers, JR?

  • Friend stopped by and wanted to hear what a pair of 12s could do.

    I have a signature.
  • edited July 11

    This matter is settled. Don't try to outcrazy the SoDaks for weather.

    Sioux Falls weather forecasts only accurate one day out, analysis finds.

  • @jr@mac said:
    Friend stopped by and wanted to hear what a pair of 12s could do.

    I'm betting he went home impressed!

  • what is the 555 timer doing ? pulse regulation ?

  • @Tom_S said:

    @jr@mac said:
    Friend stopped by and wanted to hear what a pair of 12s could do.

    I'm betting he went home impressed!

    He was generally impressed with DIY. Might have a convert.

    I have a signature.
  • @Nicholas_23 said:
    what is the 555 timer doing ? pulse regulation ?

    That would be my guess. PWM of the FETs to drive the HT transformer.

  • Little windy last night. No damage to my house, but going to be a pain getting it cleaned up.

    Beautiful sunrise, though.

    I have a signature.
  • Clean-up sucks but I'm glad to hear that's all it is.

  • A split trunked silver maple is a ticking time bomb. In the long run it's good that it's gone before it got bigger.

  • @Turn2 said:
    A split trunked silver maple is a ticking time bomb. In the long run it's good that it's gone before it got bigger.

    Yes they are. My little maple is the same way, I'll likely remove it.

    I have a signature.
  • I had a pine fall into the neighbors yard a few weeks ago. Luckily it didn't hit anything except his cable line. Most of you know if your neighbors tree falls into your property, it's your problem. I've been on that side quite a few times at my previous home. Well my neighbor got a pretty good deal on having it removed and I agreed on pitching in on it to help him out. Trees are nice...till things happen..

  • Sucks to have to deal with things like that. High winds & trees can be a pain. Emerald Ash Borer too. We had 9 trees on our corner lot 25 years ago and we are now down to 2. The upside is we don't have many leaves to rake anymore.

  • I have two of those ticking time bombs in my yard. Both about 80 feet tall :o

  • I've had White pines on two properties and they are nice until they get big, old & scraggly looking - then the mess ensues.

  • edited July 15

    Car show day!

    Ooodles more...

  • Got all the front panels cut out for the amplifier projects.

  • WoW! Those look incredibly professional!

    Do you ever sleep?

  • We're up to 11 confirmed tornadoes from Monday's storms and they're investigating 18 more damage paths. I 55 is shut down because a tornado crossed it and tore down the power lines crossing it.

  • That's crazy, Nick. We have had less than that all season here. I read that due to certain factors tornado alley has now shifted East.

    That being said, SoDak and Texas used to be tied for the record for most tornadoes in one day (66) until Tennesee broke it with 72.

    Stay safe guys.

    I have a signature.
  • Keep in mind hurricanes were likely responsible for the most tornadoes in TX while good old fashioned supercells are what kicked SoDak's ass.

    I have a signature.
  • Got a crazy idea to light up the control panel. Cut a test front out of plywood. Routed it for an LED strip light and a piece of mirror plexiglass.

    Initially it looked so good I had to mock up an amp to see it for real.

    Well, I think that's just to cool not to add it to the list of things I still have to do...😎

    hifisidetajanesWolfkenrhodesjr@macRon_ESteve_LeeTom_SColonel7ugly_wooferand 3 others.
  • Love it!


  • edited July 18

    RIP Bob Newhart:

    A comic genius, loved his material. Understated, a real gentleman and timelessly funny with it.

    Check out "The Driving Instructor" and "Introducing Tobacco to Civilisation" for a taste of his skill:


  • Damn.

    I have a signature.
  • Interesting: Bob's best friend was Don Rickles, another comedy great who is sorely missed.

    Bob's roasting Don on Dean Martin's 'Man of the Week'' was one of the funniest things I've seen.


  • Nuts! I loved Bob :'(

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