undersize the hole and then flush trim for next time, if you are going for perfect. But as you said, all the dayton ports that i have used have a bigger step going from the fixed length to the adjustable piece which goes over the fixed length.
2 1.5" ports, Each of the length given lower on in the sheet. You can verify by changing number of port to 1, the length will drop significantly. As the area goes up, the port gets longer
I htought the ohm was omni throughout - no idea as all I could see was the cage - didn't look it up. Will do so now.
There was felt pad like think surck on the cage though partway
One thing I would add to that is that you can get F3 and system Q using DATS if you have one.
Won't DATS give the box tuning? Would it also take into account the transform? Not sure how to take DATS measurment with MiniDSP. Usually …
Thanks for the details, I haven;t tried any stair thread - understand about the PD stair tread being denser, but the Hardwood ones makes sense since stair tread or not for a given thickness and wood species the hardnedd would be the same
Looks like the stair threads are 3/4, are they more difficult to route than edge glued red oak or just plain old 3/4 red oak?
@hifiside are you planning to cnc these? I have experince with routingred oak board from menards, but haven't trie…
he doesn't do objective measurements.
But this is the same as any speaker, put in some good parts, and build a decent XO - the difference is the box material.
There have been a few pretty good 3D printed tiny speakers at some of the get togethers.…